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sudah tentu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sudah tentu"
  • sudah:    already; already made; fixed; done; perfective
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet;
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet; assign; determinate; sure enough; positive; of course; positively; sure; delegate; definitely; definitive; physically; depute; fixed; natural; natural
  • sudah:    already; already made; fixed; done; perfective aspect; "all right; that; has; perf; previously; by now; finished; perfective; no longer; completive aspect; yet; completed
  • bilangan tentu:    definite number
  • integral tentu:    definite integral
  • statis tentu:    statically determined
  • tak tentu:    indefinite; indeterminate
  • tentu sahaja:    certainly
  • tentu saja:    absolutely; beyond all question; by all means; indeed; natch; of course; without question; you bet your life; certainly; heaven knows; naturally; sure; surely; unambiguously; iwis; assuredly; wis; u
  • tentu tidak:    not likely!
  • tidak tentu:    at loose ends; indefinite; without day
  • bentuk tak tentu:    indeterminate form
  • berjalan tak tentu arah:    traipse; traipsed; traipsing; travel across
  • bilangan tak tentu:    indefinite number
  • The Party's position, of course, is not the same.
    Posisi Parti kita, Sudah tentu tak sama.
  • You'll never find out. That's for goddamn sure.
    Kita tak akan pernah tahu, itu sudah tentu.
  • They were deceived, of course they want revenge.
    Mereka diperdaya, sudah tentu mereka ingin membalas dendam.
    Sudah tentu. Aku nak darah itu terus mengalir!
  • Well,I mean,I like it, so,of course,they do,too.
    Well,Maksudku,aku menyukainya, jadi sudah tentu mereka menyukainya juga.
  • Of course it is. But I trust Yu-fei's ability.
    Sudah tentu, tapi aku yakin dengan kemampuan Yu-fai.
  • Sure you will ind them interesting and funny.
    Sudah tentu kalian akan diajarkan jurus-jurus baru dan menarik.
  • Of course, we are here to talk business.
    Sudah tentu, kita berada di sini untuk membicarakan bisnis.
  • I just know, In-hye will come to me.
    Sudah tentu dia akan kembali dan bilang,
  • Wewill,of course, be giving you details astheybecomeavailable.
    Kami akan, sudah tentu, menjadi memberi butir-butir Apabila ia tersedia.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5